Thursday, June 14, 2007

Best Friends

A friend had me fill out one of those stupid surveys answering questions about your "best friend." You typically find out more about the person filling out the survey than you do the person under discussion. With that in mind, here are my answers about Jeff.

Where did we meet? Vermillion, SD

How long have you known me? I think I met you my SECOND year of college… that would be in 1985. Christ, that’s 22 years!

Do I smoke? Nyet

What was your first impression of me upon meeting? Computer geek! Albeit a funny one.

Do I have any siblings? Jah. You come from a huge family by my standards.

What's one of my favorite things to do? Native plants, seed/pod collections. Going out with friends, decorating for the holidays -- you don’t bike as much as you used to.

Do you remember one of the first things I said to you? I remember yelling “Computer geek, computer geek, get out of my way!” I remember you blaming your farts on the potatoes. I also remember almost throwing you out of my car because of your obnoxious behavior in it.

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? You love to break the rules in small, off-kilter ways.

What's your favorite memory of me? I think our trip to Europe is one of my favorite memories. I have lots of Jeff stories, though.

How many children do I have? Zero. Oh gawd, what a scary thought that I might be wrong about that.

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring? Something to beat the crap out of you with daily.

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