Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pet Names

Someone was talking about pet names, and I told them how we used to make up names for each other that were so obscene we could only say the initials in public. I'd wait for the right moment to whisper "FOFC" in a friend's ear -- the goal being to make them break out in laughter at the most inappropriate time.

They didn't get it at all. I guess you had to be there.

They asked for the best and worst pet names I'd ever heard. I voted for "Precious" as long as it was said in a creepy, long drawn-out hiss. In both categories.

They didn't get it. I had to explain that love and laughter go hand in hand, and pet names are great examples of this. "Precious" is awful but at the same time it makes me laugh hysterically. I'm sure the first person to be called "baby cakes" felt the same way.

They sort of understood that, but I doubt that anyone went home and called their baby-cakes "precious". My talents are clearly unappreciated.

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